Company Details

Company Name: Southern Locomotives Limited

Registered Office: 7 The Broadway, Broadstairs, Kent, CT10 2AD, United Kingdom

Registered in England No: 2479435

Company Organisation

Southern Locomotives Limited is a registered company with a board of directors who are responsible to the shareholders for the day to day management of the company.

The board hold regular meetings and there is an annual general meeting which is generally held in Swanage.

The company publishes annual statutory accounts.

Company Officers

Chairman: Simon Troy

Company Secretary & Finance Director: Jon Cleverdon

Directors: Dave Town, Tom Rayner, Richard Moffatt, Nick Thompson, Bob Bevis, Martin Stables, Roy Carlo, Peter Spowage.

Southern Locomotives Engineering Ltd.

Directors: Simon Troy, Jon Cleverdon, Bob Bevis, Martin Stables, Richard Moffatt.